Yes I know there’s a better way to title this page that is less depressing…but for now, I’ll use it as motivation to do the things on this list!

-Have a podcast on ‘Nerdist Industries’

-Have someone pay me to go to San Diego Comic Con

-Take a train cross-country

-Took American Civil War battlefields for two months

-Visit Lenin’s Tomb in Red Square, Moscow


-Drive cross-country

-Visit every continent

-Stand in the middle of Tiananmen Square

-Co-build a computer

-Learn how to play the bass guitar

-Learn how to play “Everlong” on acoustic guitar

-Learn how to ride a bike

-Learn how to swim

-Re-learn how to surf

-Check out Padres Spring Training at least one time

-Go on a summer baseball road to at least five different ballparks

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